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Lube…so simple, so underrated.

It seems to be everywhere now. Supermarket shelves, tv adverts and more. No longer just a shelf in the sex shop or the pharmacy.

So many brands, types and even flavours.

It can be confusing, and even overwhelming for some. Often the first item, that is separate from your bodies, that people introduce into the bedroom. It may enhance their sexual experience and therefore people are worried about the conversations it may generate. It’s important to remember that changing things from the ‘expected norm’ in sexual relationships from is not a criticism. This helps relationships evolve and grow with you.


The clitoris, vagina, anus and penis can all be stimulated more comfortably with lube.

Although the vagina is self-lubricating, using lube is not a sign that they aren’t turned on. Different points of the menstrual cycle or hormonal contraception can all have an affect on vaginal dryness.

The anus is not self-lubricating and therefore lube is usually required for better enjoyment of sexual play.

Menopause can result in vaginal dryness. There are several lubes that are both water or plant oil based that can be administered by pessary in order to give that extra internal comfort. This can be for sexual enjoyment or even general daily comfort.

Reaching for lube should be encouraged for all to increase sensitivity, enjoyment and comfort.



All lube provides more glide and less friction but there are a variety of different types that may serve personal preferences or uses.

Water based:

The go to, can be used with sex toys and condoms, does not tend to stain sheets etc. Absorbs easily, so may need some reapplying.

Oil based:

Not to be used with condoms but can be used in the shower! Can sometimes stain and upset PH balance of vagina if not organic/natural oils. Lasts a long time, less likely to have to keep reapplying.

Silicone based:

Cannot be used on silicone sex toys but can be used with condoms. Often preferable for anal sex, and is long lasting.

Points to remember…

  • Sugars in lubes - some may find that lubricants such as flavoured varieties may contain glycerol, glycerin or other sugary substances. These could upset the natural balance of the vagina, with some finding it gives them thrush. Recommend you use lubes with natural ingredients.

  • Too much lube may reduce sensitivity, start with some and build up. With natural lubes the body may absorb it requiring reapplication, once used you will be able to work out what works for you both.

  • Lubes that vary sensations like hot and cold are developed for that reason - do not go trying to use ‘Deep Heat’ or anything else as a substitute.

  • Saliva is a basic and not always effective lubricant. Do not do with a cold sore or any other oral infection that could be spread onto your partner.

  • Shower sex - water is a lube, but is not long lasting. Also do not go reaching for the shower gel or soaps, these may smell nice and get your body clean but they are not great on the inside!

Sex Debbie