Trying to conceive

You may have decided you want to have a baby and may by actively or passively trying to conceive. 

This decision changes the role of sex and the priority shifts from pleasure to the consequence. This can often add pressure and remove intimacy from sex. Especially if trying to conceive takes longer than anticipated. Frustration, resentment and doubt begin to creep in. All affecting the subconscious and conscious mind as well as taking enjoyment and spontaneity out of the equation. 

A battle then develops between trying to continue your sexual relationship and successful fertilisation. This leap into the next chapter of this story you are writing together. From pleasure to pregnancy. 

Try to retain that pleasure and allow it to evolve with you. 

We are taught at school how NOT to get pregnant and that is often where it ends. We are expected to accept its literally that simple. Just follow the contraceptive advice you were demonstrated on a vegetable. Do not get pregnant until you are settled down and want to start a family. And then BOOM, easy, crack on - you will be knee deep in nappies before you know.

What we fail to be made aware of is that this is not always the case.

Currently working on some resources for those trying to conceive.